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Learning Disability Support

What is a learning disability?

A learning disability is a neurologically-based impairment affecting the processing power of the individual. It can hinder basic skills such as time planning, organisation, abstract reasoning along with retention and long and short term memory. 

How do we help?

We provide maximum support to people with learning disabilities. At Afeni Healthcare, we ensure the individual is involved in activities to help them enhance their learning and understanding capabilities. With the right support, we help people with learning disabilities to lead a successful and independent life. With the right guidance and care, they can develop their personality and confidence to stand on their own feet.

Our support level varies according to each individual. People with a mild learning disability are able to cope with their life if given some support. However, those with serious requirements need professional and intensive care throughout their life. At Afeni Healthcare, our purpose is to help people with learning disabilities live their life as per their specifications and preferences. We provide them with opportunities that help them progress towards independence.

Everything that we do is according to the needs and choices of the service user. We design a tailored and bespoke care plan for each individual, to provide them with the right tools. We help them believe in themselves and develop their self-esteem to have a quality lifestyle.


Get in touch

Our friendly staff are always available to help you with your needs. If you need support, or you have questions, please get in touch with us for more information.